How Titanium 6242 Helps Aerospace Manufacturers?

Titanium is a metal that is strong, lightweight, resourceful for various types of industries. From 1940s, commercial and military aerospace industry began using titanium alloys in large quantities. And since, it became the ideal choice for aerospace manufacturers. Due to favourable features like higher strength, low density, corrosion resistance, etc., titanium is one of the most used alloys in aerospace industry. Today, military and commercial aerospace industry is the top purchaser of titanium alloys like Titanium 6242 and AMS 4919.


Titanium is mostly used in aircraft’s engine applications including hydraulic system parts, nacelles, rotors as well as compressor blades. High strength, lightweight, better corrosion resistance and the ability to operate on higher temperatures have made titanium the Titanium 6242, the most valuable and reliable metal for aerospace manufacturers.


Generally, titanium alloys are used for manufacturing armour plating, aircrafts, spacecraft and naval ships. To meet the exact requirement, titanium is alloyed with elements like aluminum, vanadium, and others. Different types of titanium alloys are suitable for different types of purposes. For example - Alloy Ti-6Al-4V is preferred for creating various types of aircraft components like fire walls, hydraulic system, landing gear and (for helicopters) exhaust ducts. Titanium is used in very high volume for aerospace applications that’s why approximately 2/3rd of the titanium metal produced is used by the aerospace industry.


To reduce fuel usage and costs, the demand for fuel-efficient aircrafts increased, or you can say that it is now became a priority. In order to manufacture aircrafts that consume less fuel, aerospace manufacturers use titanium alloys like AMS 4919. Titanium has higher strength with lightweight that’s why aircrafts crafted from titanium alloys are much lighter that means they consume less fuel. Therefore, selecting titanium is most effective way to manufacture fuel efficient aircrafts.


Titanium not just reduces fuel consumption, it also resists heat and corrosion whenever it comes in contact with CFRPs (carbon fiber reinforced polymers). That’s why, titanium alloys like Titanium 6242 are highly used to manufacture fastening elements like airframes and landing gear. Titanium also helps aerospace manufacturers to decrease overall production and operational cost while increasing the applications in aircrafts. This is the main reason why most of the aerospace manufacturing companies use titanium alloys to strengthen their grip on aerospace industry.


Conclusion: Titanium is very precious metal that’s serving many industries, most often aerospace industry. However, you should choose the best one from various titanium alloys for your specific needs. If you are an aerospace manufacturer and looking for an titanium supplier, FlightMetals would be the perfect choice for purchasing different types of titanium products like AMS 4904, AMS 4965, AMS 4919, AMS 6930, AMS 4911, Titanium 6242 and AMS 6931.